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Writer's picturejosephaguilarsanch

Ice King's Crown

Updated: Sep 20, 2020

Please forgive me for whatever I do ... when i don't remember you

TBH who doesn't want to strut around in nothing but a blue robe and crown? Now you too can prance around wearing the crown of our favorite serial kidnapper turned lovable goofball with the most tragic of backstories.


Major Features


The Crown itself is one singular piece with round edges at the bottom as to not agitate your forehead as well aesthetic purposes. No Supports needed and the large base should lend itself to good bed adhesion. One might want to ensure that their retraction settings are good before printing to make sure there's not that much stringing in-between the tips.

Jewels with Resin Molds

All the jewels come with compatible mold shells to allow for easy mold creation and resin casting. The side jewels are identical and their mold shells are also identical. 50ml proved to be the perfect amount of resin to cast all three jewels. This accounts for resin left on the stirring stick and sides of your mixing cup. I prefer to cast all three at the same time to ensure they have the same dye concentration.

Combined Gem Volume: 41.8 mL

Combined Gem Rubber Mold Volume: 14.8 mL

Sizing Ring

The sizing ring is essentially the bottom of the crown sliced off, it allows you to print a quick base that you can try on to ensure the crown fits, you can scale it as you wish. Note that if you shouldn't encounter any problems with scaling uniformly or non-uniformly, just remember to scale all the jewels (and their mold shells if you are resin casting) to the same dimensions.

This means when you load the jewels into your slicer

scale them first

then you can reorient them for printing



Here we have my finished Crown. Overall this build had a pretty quick turn around depending on the corners I decided to cut. However, I really like how it turned out.

The left most picture shows the crown after I had gone over it with an electric sander several times after adding some filler primer and bondo. I would then go and add the Rust-oleum Golden Metallic Finish paint and then sand that away to try and smoothen out the surface. I repeated this process a couple times before I went all in on 3 full coats of paint.

On the right most picture you can see all the swirl marks left by my electric sander. A small price to pay for the decrease in overall time spent sanding. Speaking of, on the left most picture you can see I didn't do too much to the inside of the crown since my electric sander couldn't fit and I definitely am too jaded these days to hand sand that much material.

I didn't show it here but I also painted the bottom first and allowed it to fully dry so that I could do the rest of the painting with the crown sitting normally. I was able to do this and the sanding of the paint mentioned above because this Metallic Finish paint had a dry to handle time of 1 hr. I was able to crank out the crown in 1-2 days.

Here we can see the Gem's being inserted into their mold trays, those trays being filled with Oomoo liquid rubber and the molds once I pulled their gems out.

To degas the resin for use in gem casting, you can see my vacuum chamber/vacuum pump setup all the way on the left. In the second picture, you can see my resin right after mixing the resin, resin hardener, and resin dye together. As you can see pretty bubbly. In the third picture you can see what the resin looks like during the degassing process, very frothy. Eventually, all the way on the right you can see what the resin looks like after the vacuum pulls out all the bubbles.

Lastly, you can see the molds filled with their resin. Notice how I barely have a drop left in the cup. This really illustrates the benefits of knowing the exact volume of your resin cast and not needing to waste too much resin/money. Eyeballing it, I had to double check my math because I wasn't sure that I had enough resin because there was barely any in the cup but once I poured all three of the molds, it perfectly reached the top of each.

On the right you can see what a polished gem looks like next to the other two raw casts. As you can see there are surface bubbles I needed to sand out and some large chips/ bubbles at the corners. While I sanded out the surface bubbles there is not much I can do about the corners. I actually liked the look that gave the jewels/crown, makes it look more ancient.

I used Loctite super glue to fasten the jewels to the crown.


What Next?

If you are looking to create you own models like this one feel free to checkout all of my tutorials on 3D modeling and prop making techniques.

If you are looking to purchase the model so that you can print your own you can find it in the store.

Lastly, make sure to check back in every once in a while to see what I've been working on

Thank you for your time

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