Seamless Modular Design
The entire set is designed around connecting various types of wall panels to junctions pillars. Each type of pillar can support up to 4 panels. Floor and roof tiles sit firmly inbetween these wall panels and crossbeam frames.
There are base models and various ruins that can slot together via the universally compatible pillar rail system.
Pillar's/building stories slot together physically between floor tiles and also utilize magnetic attachment to ensure secure, perfectly aligned multi story buildings.
CustomizabilityEach wall panel is blank to allow for you to glue on your own personal scenery touches and greebles. To get you started, a large batch of scenery was included along side glueing templates to help you get the perfect alignment.
Functional doorways and various optional window covers allow for you to mix and match how visibility and movement access plays out throughout your games.
Support Free PrintsA vast majority of the models can be printed without the need for supports or have been designed to minimize the amount of supports required. Tolerances have been exhaustively tested to ensure that prints easily fit together without any post processing required.
Extensive build guide
An extensive build guide exists that go further into the design philosophy such that you can start thinking of your own building designs. There are tons of additional pictures and videos documenting my own personal build process. Additionally I include a section for how I personally painted and created the frozen wasteland look that I used on my personal build.The build guide is available here
Space Viking Modular Terrain Set
None of my models may be resold as digital files or physical recreations/prints. If you would like to sell casts/reproductions/modifications of my models, contact me and we can discuss a partnership.